
Win-Win Textiles sources through a well-tested network of manufacturers, who have been carefully selected based on their craftsmanship, skills and commitment to responsible sourcing and production.

Many of our partners in the supply chain hold certifications related to social standards, chemical standards, recycling and organic standards, environmental standards, quality assurance and data protection standards. At Win-Win Textiles, we have gained considerable knowledge of the environmental and social impact of seals, and we can guide our customers to the right solutions.

Win-Win Textiles is always searching for new manufacturers with special skills, quality in products and services, flexibility, creativity, transparency and speed in production of apparel products, footwear, leather products and accessories.

We are focused on production in Portugal, India and Peru and will favour new vendors from these countries as well as manufacturers, who hold certifications and can document a strong commitment.

If you are interested in offering your production possibilities to Win-Win Textiles, please send us information about your manufacturing facilities, the market segment you service and a thorough company profile.