Implementing Yoga Philosophy in Our Business

We are in a process of developping a yoga culture in our business for inner development and improved performance.

We decided to create a regenerative space at the office and turned one of our two traditional showrooms into this special space.

The overall idea is that it should feel like stepping out of the office, when you enter the space. We have images on the wall and window, have space for yoga practice, we can work with vapoured scents we mix ourselves with essential oils and incenses.

The space is used for yoga practice, anyone needing a break during the day, meditation or just lying on the sofa with closed eyes to treat a headache.

Our encounter with yoga, the practice and the philosophy, has changed us. We started to ask ourselves these questions:

1.What does hic et nunc (here and now) mean for a business ?

Yoga practice, as well as the philosophy of yoga, aims at improving our health, our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Through a diverse set of techniques, practitioners of yoga are invited to explore their bodies with the resources of poses, breathing exercises, movements and intonations. The body will become more flexible and strong, less contracted and blocked. The attention directed toward the body during practice will lead to a state of full attention, increased concentration, self-observation and self-overcoming.

Observing what happens in our bodies, our minds will align and we will construct the habit of being more present and more focused.

To stay in the “here and now” in a business means to stay focused on what is really important NOW. To direct the attention toward one task or challenge at a time, wrapping your mind around it completely. To eliminate unnecessary distractions and to focus is essential.

This is to create inner space of focusing and silence in order to respond quickly and efficiently. To establish plans and deadlines for concretization and finalization of tasks can be very useful. To let go of the less important and focus on what is truly essencial and crucial.

2 - What do the 4 phases of the breath cycle mean for a business ?

The breath cycle we use in the yoga practice has inspired us to create a similar rhythm in our workflow making sure to create time for pauses and reflection for improvement of processes.

1/ Inhalation - Puraka

This is a phase of planning and action. Bringing together the elements, defining plans, objectives and strategies. A phase of projection and preparation of the future. Be it an order, a claim, a strategic plan, a marketing plan. This is the phase of inhaling and projection of tomorrow based on what we have defined today.

We can define this phase as the creative phase or the phase of creation.

2/ Pause with full lungs - Kumbhaka

This phase requires more strength, more persistence, more perseverance and focus. We shall find difficulties and obstacles and we need to find the calmness and confidence in order to proceed with our plans and trust the process defined. In this phase we will reinforce and adjust plans in view of the objectives.

This is the phase of development or production.

3/ Exhalation - Rechaka

In this phase plans are being executed and we need to focus on our self-control. Evaluating and complying with the checklist defined and confirming that we shall achieve the desired results. It is also important to learn to trust the team and the established processes - to avoid constant agitation from wanting to reach the result through modification. Learning to wait and control is what is required of us, when we exhale.

This is the phase of follow-up

4/ Pause with empty lungs - Shuniaka

This is a phase of learning. The time of closure and reconciliation of what was achieved. To evaluate the mistakes and the conquests and then integrate this knowledge. More than merely closing a topic it is the time to accumulate knowledge, time of assimilation, letting go and closing.

This is the phase of closure and concretization.

3 - Is there any such thing as a meditative company ?

We all know about the tremendous benefits of meditation. As a technique that allows us to bring full attention to the present moment, meditation plays a significant role in reducing stress and anxiety, lowering heart rate and blood pressure, optimizing our cognitive function - as it stimulates our memory, focus and concentration. In addition meditation improves the quality of sleep and boosts the immune system. For these reasons, several studies carried out at prestigious universities demonstrate the direct connection between meditation and productivity. Many corporate groups (Apple, Nike, AOL Warner, Google, NASA, HBO, Yahoo, Cisco and others) already provide meditation programmes and regular classes to their staff.

We believe that a meditative company is, first and foremost, a company focused on ethical and moral values, which respect and honour people and all involved in the processes, the ecosystems and the environment. An organization, which follows a cross-cutting approach of appreciation, efficiency and regeneration for the benefit of all; a company which is aware and conscious, observing and respecting the past and the path taken, but which simultaneously designs its future as part of a whole, involving the teams, the community and the planet. A company understanding that the past and the future can only be written today, and seeking to act, persists and moves forward, towards the accomplishment of a greater purpose.

4 - Which qualities do we have or could we develop at Win-Win Textiles to create the same experience in our daily work as we have, when practicing yoga ?

The Win-Win team is aware and conscious about the major importance of these practices in their day-to-day routines, whether in a personal or professional context. We are truly committed and driven to develop new practices, which can contribute to collective success and well-being for all, knowing that these two pillars are inseparable. We must not only consider parts, but the whole.

Win-Win Regeneration

We believe this is the right path and philosophy for Win-Win Textiles and that these practices will help refine our purpose and make us reach our objectives. The development of these practices will improve our lives and the lives of our stakeholders, the environment and the conditions of future generations.

We are working on a concrete plan of actions.


The REGENERATION LOGO of Win-Win Textiles and what it means


Literature on Regeneration