The REGENERATION LOGO of Win-Win Textiles and what it means

The Win-Win Textiles Regeneration logo based on the 7 major chakras of the yoga philosophy

Moving towards fulfilment of The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda defined in the Paris Agreement of 2015 has not been successful. The pace at which we move is simply too slow to create the results within a reasonable scope of time. You can download and read the SDG Report 2024. The IDG Foundation has developped a set of transformative skills for Sustainable Development, called the Inner Development Goals, IDG. The 17 SDGs are seen as the outer development goals.

This is a recognition that our crisis is also a human crisis and that the development needs to come from within.

Win-Win Textiles found inspiration in the concept, but felt that it was more natural to develop a concept, which set out in the yoga philosophy and the practice of yoga, already part of our culture. We therefore developped our own version and created the regenerative logo, which symbolizes 7 layers of consciousness based on the 7 major chakras, 7 psychic energy centres. These focal points correspond to specific nerve bundles and internal organs and run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Starting from the bottom each layer of consciousness leads to the next layer and forms a natural development or journey. A journey, which you will be on forever and all the 7 layers evolve simultaneously.

Below you can see the inner values, which each energy centre focuses on and here you can read more about how work with yoga philosophy.

These may all seem very basic skills, however, they are rarely present in full in today’s business world. We work with the concept, check in monthly in our internal Living Systems Gatherings and work to spread these practices among our stakeholders. This set of skills we see alongside our work with the Regenerative DNA Diagnosis Wheel developped by Laura Storm and Giles Hutchins - see our recommended literature as well.

The elements of our Regeneration logo: I Am/Mūlādhāra/Root Chakra - I Feel/Svādhishthāna/Sacral Chakra - I Do/Manipūra/Solar Plexus Chakra
I Love/Anahāta/Heart Chakra - I Speak/Viśhuddha/Throat Chakra - I See/Ājñā/Third Eye Chakra - I Understand/Sahasrāra/Crown Chakra

A diagnosis tool we have found very useful. This creates an overview of complexities within design, culture and being. The DNA Wheel in combination with our Regeneration Logo and the B-Impact Assessment Tool, create many possibilities of analysing a business culture and finding ways to improve through an advanced level of consciousness.


Implementing Yoga Philosophy in Our Business