Made in Portugal


The sourcing network of Win-Win Textiles has been built since 1972 and we have in the network manufacturing partners with whom we have worked for more than 40 years. At the same time we open dialogues with new partners on a regular basis to add new expertise, be ready to add capacity in certain categories, add new products, divide risks or resolve issues, which arise from time to time.

What is a common value within the network is the willingness to be completely open, the interest in creating a transparent structure with straight talk and prepare for traceability and traced transactions. We create traceable supply chains for brands, where we certify all transactions and work in certified networks. In our collaboration with some brands we use traceability software and would be happy to invite new customer brands to work with us this way. We offer solutions where yarns are produced with markers and products can be traced with readers on the fabric.

We are used to working with different product data management systems with our customer brands and also participate in improving them together with some of the developpers.

The textile and clothing industry in general does not have a tradition of transparency and Win-Win Textiles has still not created full visibility in all our supply chains. We are comfortable with all transactions taking place in Portugal as these take place at trusted Tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers. Tier 4 suppliers are outside of Portugal as there is almost no fibre production in Portugal and a lot of the Tier 3 suppliers are also outside of Portugal.

We are mapping our supply chains and work constantly on improving the collected data at Tier 3+4 level from other countries. Yarns are mostly imported from India, Italy, Turkey, when not produced in Portugal and we do have a certain import of fabrics, mainly from Turkey, Japan and Italy. By far, though, most of our Tier 2 suppliers are Portuguese and it is mainly denim fabrics, which are imported, as there is no denim fabric production in Portugal.

When we select Tier 1 suppliers it has always been the policy to work with manufacturers, where we know the owners and where we can have them at the table, when important decisions are taken or when customers visit.

We see transparency as a prerequisite to sustainable manufacturing, and regenerative practices are based on the trust, which comes with transparency. We changed our name to Win-Win Textiles in 1998, because we believe in partnerships, where all participants are winners.

We believe that personal integrity is the basis of trust, which is the condition for all positive development. This concept in combination with the belief that there is enough for all, creates the character we are looking for in all our relationships. The Win-Win philosophy cannot work without transparency.

Whether we are able to create full visibility in a supply chain or not, you can always count on transparency from Win-Win Textiles and you will always know what the situation is.