Win-Win Textiles’ Reforestation 2025 Event Grows in Impact
On January 11th, 2025, Win-Win Textiles hosted its second annual reforestation event, a key initiative contributing to Guimarães +Floresta (“Guimarães More Forest”). This ambitious project aims to plant 30,000 trees by 2030, and Win-Win Textiles has committed to covering 25% of this goal. Our next event is scheduled for January 2026.
This year, we brought together 35 local businesses and institutions to help fund and support the initiative. The planting took place in São Torcato, at Monte da Pedra Fina, an area that has suffered two devastating wildfires in recent years. Our mission is to restore the land and create a thriving wild forest for future generations.
Restoring Biodiversity and Strengthening Ecosystems
Our reforestation efforts align with the core objectives of Guimarães +Floresta, which focus on:
• Reforesting degraded areas and restoring lost vegetation in fire-affected or neglected public spaces.
• Reinforcing root systems to prevent soil erosion and landslides, particularly near roads and residential areas.
• Strengthening ecological corridors on Penha Mountain to enhance biodiversity protection and conservation.
• Planting only native species, which are more resilient to climate change and better suited to the local environment.
• Gradually replacing eucalyptus trees in the municipality with native species, improving soil conditions and potentially securing protected status for the area.
• Expanding green urban infrastructure to create more sustainable landscapes.
• Utilizing tree planting as a tool for carbon offsetting, contributing to climate action.
A Growing Community of Supporters
This year’s event saw significant growth, with over 100 participants actively digging and planting. We were particularly excited to welcome three international brands to the initiative. Among them, Jodie Sykes from Noble Yoga joined us in person to plant trees.
We also had enthusiastic participation from:
• The Eco-Schools of São Torcato
• The Green Brigade of São Torcato
• The Parish of São Torcato
• Professional footballers and volleyball players from Vitória SC
• A dedicated team from the Municipality of Guimarães and from Laboratório da Paisagem, who provided expert support
We planted a total of 1.250 trees as a mix of these species:
- Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore Maple
- Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree
- Betula celtiberica - Iberian White Birch
- Corylus avellana - Hazel
- Crataegus monogyna - Single-Seeded Hawthorn
- Quercus suber - Cork Oak
- Ilex aquifolium - European Holly
- Myrtus communis - Common Myrtle
- Pinus sylvestris – Scots Pine
The Power of Collective Action
Bringing together civil society, businesses, and the public sector creates powerful synergies. This year’s event was filled with enthusiasm, teamwork, and a shared sense of purpose—with smiles all around!
See for yourself in the video above. We look forward to an even bigger impact next year! 🚀🌿
for helping our biodiversity and hope to see more companies and institutions joining in January 2026: ADEGA COOPERATIVA DE GUIMARÃES, CRL António Salgado, Belfama, Bordalima, BYMS, Cor de Tangerina, Cristêxtil Confecção Lda, DUANA, EIGUI - MALHAS E CONFECÇÕES, S.A., ETISATOS, Finiconde, Lda, Foco Criativo, Footprime - Portuguese Shoe Manufacturers, GARCIA & SILVA, LDA, Guimabus - Transportes de Guimarães, JFV - Têxteis, lda., José Neves Embalagens, Junta de Freguesia de São Torcato, LABFRESH, LAMEIRINHO, Lavoro Engineering Life, LUIPEX, Minority Denim, Noble Yoga, RdA Climate Solutions, Ribeiro & Matos, Sebastião & Martins SA, SOLUÇÕES BRILHANTES, Somelos Group, ToBeGreen, Trimalhas - Knit Inspiration, Vaz da Costa, Villafelpos - Comércio e Indústria Têxtil S.A, Vitória Sport Clube, Yogadhipa Studio