

Circular business models can help us work toward reversing the overshoot of the planetary boundaries, but we are far from that in today’s business methods. We must leave the focus merely on a product’s eco-efficiency in a concept of relative sustainability and focus on absolute sustainability, where we focos on optimizing our operations and consumption after the carrying capacity of earth. The complexity is massive.

At Win-Win Textiles we work to reduce and aim at eliminating waste and pollution in the supply chains, circulating products and materials (reuse, recycling, up-cycling, down-cycling) and to regenerate nature.

The concept of regeneration focuses on products, which give more back to nature than they take. We are not nearly there today. Even the best products we produce in regenerative materials, all except fibre production taking place in Portugal, natural organic dyes without chemicals, produced in factories using renewables are still not products we can truly call regenerative as they still take more from nature’s resources than they give back.

Recycling and circular concepts can help reduce the use of new resources and Portugal has manufacturers, who have as much as 50 years’ experience in mechanical recycling. The production of recycled fibres is increasing in Portugal and new big projects are in operation. Portugal has reached a high quality level in fibre resistance and the recycled content % is increasing as well. Win-Win Textiles has launched this knitwear product using 100% recycled fibres. Our partner has 35 years’ experience in mechanical recycling.

We work to increase the use of circular concepts, it is, however, not going as fast as we would like. Brands tend to be sceptical, there can be certain limitations, which can be difficult to adapt to. However, we have in the meantime a very big offer and also of more and more chemically recycled products with the newest innovations brought to market. In these materials we can also add markers for full traceability readable from the fabric, we have cradle-to-cradle certified materials and work in verified networks with GRS, RCS certifications.

We are eager to discuss this theme with more brands, we can work with your own residues and co-create new concepts together.